One-on-One Coaching Sessions that Help You Succeed Starting Today!
Do you love your life but feel
at parts that never seem to change - no matter how hard you work?
Welcome to the club! Many of us find ourselves embracing the 'hustle' lifestyle, and yet keep wondering why we often feel more tired, irritable, and frustrated, and on top of all that, getting lackluster results in various areas of life (and sometimes this tricks into our professional life, too).
Depending on where we are on our life's journey, we may want to do or attain one of the following:
These concepts are more than just fun, catchy Hallmark card sayings -- they're all attainable. But nothing worth achieving ever came easy.
We’re excited to help you create the life (and business) results you most want now, starting today.
Clear as Mud?
Lack of clarity on passion and purpose in the next phase of life and business. (Tip: create meaning, clarify your vision, and fine-tune the action plan to move forward to living the dream – emphasis on your physical fitness and financial 2022 vision)
Lifestyle Habits?
Not knowing how to best design and build my day to complement the life I most want. (Tip: Getting more out of the ‘free’ time we do have. Recognizing the essential things to work on now versus investing time into things that don’t bring us closer to our visions, goals, or lifestyle ambitions.)
See Food?
Unsure of creating a lifelong, thriving relationship with food and drink.
Toxic Relationships?
Fuzzy personal and professional boundaries. Keeping the toxic people out while welcoming positive thinking, constantly elevating lifelong friends. (Tip: Who do you need to get around to realize your vision? Who do you need to onboard into the vision? Who do you have to become to live your vision? Etc. Questions that require your attention and introspection).
Am I enough?
Three little words must be spoken from the whole being.... unless the answer is emphatic. YES, then there's much work to be done. (Tip: Getting clear on the skills, knowledge, and self-shifting required to step into the life we envision. Sometimes, the career shifts we want to be realizing need us to change a bit entirely; having the support to navigate this is helpful, supportive, and encouraging. Yet, the internal reflection and work essentially must be done by ourselves.)
We'll start with a deep dive into what you envision for your life while defining your dreams and visions and ultimately identifying that which brings you the most sense of joy and happiness. Clarity around potential business opportunities will be explored while acquiring new knowledge and understanding of yourself in this exciting new capacity. These are only a few common challenges we face from time to time, but no matter where someone finds themself, that's where we begin. We draw a line in the sand together, step over, and imprint a new design path.
This is what we live for!
Dai promises to champion the greatness in you continually. To support you on your lifelong adventure to live into your best self. He promises to listen with a curious, caring heart and listen for the dreams, values, and extraordinary wishes... giving them space to seed, grow, and unfold into the world.
You'll be able to count on Dai for unbiased support and inquisitive probing to seek your motivations and intentions. We promise to work to uncover your purpose relentlessly and passions and encourage, educate, and support you to the highest level of coaching standards.
In this life journey, we are often left to travel on our own, but rest assured, you'll never be alone for as long as Dai Manuel is your coach and mentor.
Our strategies revolve around one goal: To help you improve your life while gaining clarity on the next steps to see through your professional and personal visions.The journey doesn't simply start with the first step; it begins when we decide that a change is needed. Then, we follow it up with immediate action. But this begs the question, 'what should I do first?'
When we embark on this journey together, our first strategy is to rid ourselves of one bad habit at a time while getting control of our negative mental chatter. As this becomes your way of being, I help you create opportunities to focus on loving yourself more each day. As our mindset expands, we also consider our life's physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual components. All this probably sounds wonderful, but there's always the concern, 'How do I do this?'
Well, thats where we come in.
The Reset, Recharge, Relaunch Plan
Fitness is an exciting thing.
Everyone has opinions and comments on what they think is the 'best' way to train and get results. But when I refer to fitness, I’m talking about the holistic version -- emotional, physical, spiritual, financial, and mental wellness.
With over 28+ years of coaching and mentoring people, Dai has learned that everyone is different, and variety is the secret to constant, measurable progress.
Throughout this portion of our work together, we’ll tailor a customized life plan and schedule that plugs and plays into the things you love to do. It's not a matter of eliminating or replacing but enhancing what you're doing to attain the desired results.
Fall in Love with Food (again!)
Reestablish your relationship with food. Learn to create healthy, happy boundaries through experimentation, creating new habits, and paying close attention to the effects of nutrition on all aspects of your life. Of course, some benefits will be increased energy, better focus, improved performance in all areas of life, and looking better naked!
Create a Life by Design Plan & Roadmap
If you don't know where you are going, any direction will do...
This expression is so true!
We can't help but feel like we are coasting in our lives, allowing the natural currents of events to sweep us from here to there. However, we can navigate these currents if we can identify the things that indeed are most important to us in life.
Through a series of in-depth conversations, between Zoom call homework, and your willingness to introspect and reflect, you'll emerge with a roadmap to guide your decisions in the life you are creating.
No more just waiting for things to happen --- you start making them happen!
Remember, your coaching objectives are just that - YOUR coaching objectives.
Using the form below, answer a few questions and we’ll be in touch to set a time to connect for a conversation about you, your health and life plan.
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