Obesity And Addiction: What's The Relationship

Obesity And Addiction: What's The Relationship
Obesity is a disorder for a fact, but how is it an addiction!

For years scientists have tried to analyze the different relations between food and addiction, and although there is no drastic euphoric effect like drugs or addiction, there have been some connections.

In this excerpt below, we will be discussing the different ways in which obesity is almost the same as any other addiction. Or...

How other addictions can influence overeating!

Addiction is when you start consuming an unhealthy amount of a particular substance, and soon your body starts to think that it wouldn't survive without it.

The functioning of your system changes according to the addiction!

Therefore, when it comes to drug addiction, your body automatically believes that it is the external material that can only induce receptors like dopamine, endorphins, and oxytocins.

So, when you get addicted to binge eating or overeating, your body will have an increased appetite to mirror the changing habit.

This is why their treatment is so similar to each other.

But, what is obesity and when one has passed the benchmark and could be suffering from this serious ailment is all explained here.

If you are looking for a treatment and recovery facility for someone who is suffering from obesity because of obsessive binge or overeating, then visit here.

What Is Obesity?

Obesity is one of the complex diseases which involves quite an excessive amount of someone's body fat.

Yes, it might not be an immediate concern!

However, it is a deadly disease in the long run as it exponentially increases heart risk, accompanied by other health problems because of high cholesterol. Some of these diseases are high blood pressure, diabetes, etc.

Some of the common reasons for an individual to catch obesity are,

  • Genetic Issues.

  • Obsessive Binge Eating.

  • Over Eating.

  • Depression.

  • Appetite caused by some hallucinogens.

How Addiction & Obesity Is Reality

These are some of the ways in which addiction and obesity can be interlinked. However, mental health also plays a big role in it.

1. Depression Leading To Overeating Leading To Obesity

Depression is one of the common mental health issues which can cause obesity. When you are depressed and not in a good headspace, eating always seems like a good idea to escape.

Depression is also exhausting, and one of the side effects is laying on the bed all day, every day. Without the help of any physical exercises, it is impossible for the patient to keep their body fit and healthy.

Obesity is one of the pioneer side effects of depression, and if you find someone constantly eating, especially in the same place, without even cleaning it up, this could be a sign of depression.

2. Binge Eating Addiction

Binge eating addiction is when you cannot stop eating when you are completely full. For example, you will find this problem among teenagers a lot.

Especially growing teenagers!

In this case, there could be two things that can affect the body. One is bulimia nervosa, and the other is, of course, obesity. Teenagers go through a lot of hormonal changes, and some use food to cope with it.

Yes, being a growing body, they will need proper nutrients and food, but binge eating addiction only caters to junk food with an unhealthy amount of calories.

3. Some Foods Are Addictive

There are food items, mostly the one which is high in sucrose, to have the same effect of drug addiction when eaten properly. This is something not thrown in the air; it has been actually proven by scientists all around the world.

Therefore, people who are constantly consuming sweet, unhealthy items can actually get addicted to it one day.

This addiction can take days when someone is young. Sugar can make them hyperactive, and as kids, they might love this state of mind.

This is why we always see parents keeping children away from sweets or giving them with very supervised moderation.

Those candies might not be cocaine, but nevertheless, they are the same bit addictive.

4. Stress Eating

Consuming too much food while they are stressed could be a staple for many. For example, we see adults doing that when they are stressed at work, kids consume a lot before a stressful exam, etc.

However, if this stressful eating turns into overeating, then there is a huge problem. Because when someone is stressed, they are least bothered about their body and how much it is unhealthy affecting them.

Once in a blue moon, this stress-eating goof is used as a ‘feel good’ activity. However, you cannot have it every day; if the frequency increases, then there is a problem, and you should get help immediately.

5. Other Drugs & Substances

There are some stimulants and hallucinogens like marijuana and alcohol , which are known to make people excessively hungry.

Once in a while, it is fine. However, if you start consuming them every day, your eating habits will also change accordingly.

You will be more interested in the food after feeling that euphoria than getting up the next day and going for a run. The frequency is a big deal.

Why Should You Take This Seriously?

The reason why you shouldn’t take obesity lightly is that it is like a slow poison. Just because you are unable to see the effects as of now, it doesn't mean that the harm isn't there.

You must stop before you get some serious cardiovascular diseases, diabetics, or high blood pressure and realize nothing could be done now.

You have to identify the signs of obesity beforehand and take the rightful help if the disease stems from an unhealthy obsession with food.

Healthy Diet - Healthy Life!

Eating Pizzas every day might not be that much of a big deal on the 29th day, but on the 30th day, when your body feels weak, or you are too tired for running , or you look at yourself, and you look totally different.

Plus, you do not feel unhealthy. It is not a good sign!

[caption id="attachment_35079" align="aligncenter" width="1000"]Green detox smoothie cup and woman lacing running shoes before workout on rainy day. Fitness and healthy lifestyle concept.[/caption]

So, understand the issues and ask for help today.

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