How To Gain Weight As A Vegetarian?

How To Gain Weight As A Vegetarian?
Finding a reliable vegan weight gainer (supplement or otherwise) is quite the task for all those lean individuals who find it challenging to put on even a few pounds of weight. Everyone goes on and on about non-plant-based protein sources of weight gain.

What if we told you that weight gain is achievable for everyone irrespective of your dietary preferences?

Every vegetarian or vegan wondering how to put on some pounds would have heard this: ‘You need protein! Start eating animal-based food or at least dairy and eggs’. This is the term you hear most often when discussing healthy weight gain.

Most people seem to be talking about eggs, chicken, and meat. This leaves you distressed and wondering how to achieve your weight gain goals as a vegetarian.

Gaining weight on vegan diet plans is possible and sustainable when done right. Through this article, let us take you through the challenges of weight gain for vegetarians and how to gain weight on a plant-based diet.

Believe it or not, plants have all the protein you need for weight gain and more.

Gaining Weight As A Vegan/Vegetarian

Now, we will not sit here and pretend weight gain (for anyone looking to achieve it) is easy. For vegans and vegetarians, it is considerably more challenging. This is because food products like meat and dairy are sources of high amounts of protein.

But enough with the protein already. What about all the other beautiful nutrients brought to you exclusively by plants? Vitamin C and many dietary fibers cannot be derived from animal foods.

Vegan diets are incredibly healthy, even if they are not famous for gaining weight. But that’s what ultimately matters, right?

Maybe not the only thing that matters. You are here to research vegan weight gainers and vegetarian weight gain secrets. Well, let us tell you this.

A good vegan diet can provide you with plenty of protein and healthy fats that assist with healthy weight gain. Moreover, you are also nourishing your body in so many other ways.

So, don’t even consider giving up on your vegan diet just to gain weight. Instead, focus on all the benefits you derive from a vegan diet. Let us remind you here.\

Top Three Benefits Of A Vegan or Vegetarian Diet


You have been hearing this since you were a child. Eat green. Even if you ate meat, your parents made you chomp down on spinach and peas. This is because, in a vegan diet, you derive energy from sources such as whole grains, vegetables, fruits, nuts, and seeds. You are consuming more minerals (iron, potassium, magnesium, etc.) and vitamins when you eat the right vegan foods.

Helps Maintain Healthy Blood Sugar Levels

Studies have shown that a vegan/vegetarian diet is pretty effective in increasing insulin sensitivity. This significantly lowers the risk of developing Type-2 Diabetes. Moreover, vegan foods help lower blood sugar levels as well, according to the American Diabetes Association.

Lowers The Risk Of Heart Disease

It should not be news that a diet rich in fruits and vegetables is better for your heart. People following vegan diets have reduced (up to 75%) risk of high blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Hence it should be no surprise that vegans are way less susceptible to heart-related mortalities.

Having said that, however, a vegan diet does pose certain challenges to weight gain.

Challenges To Vegan/Vegetarian Weight Gain

Calorie Deficit

This is the primary challenge faced by anyone trying to gain weight. Your high metabolism (due to any reason) prevents you from gaining weight on vegan diet lifestyles. The amount of calories you burn at rest is determined by how powerful your metabolism is.

Your calorie intake from vegan/vegetarian food might not match up to that of animal-based foods. If the amount of calories you consume is lower than how much you burn, your body remains in a calorie deficit. This makes it almost impossible to gain weight.

Fiber = Full

Boon for those looking to drop weight, bane for those like you figure out how to gain weight as a vegan. Plant-based foods are generally rich in dietary fiber. While fiber is good, it leaves you feeling full.

Plus, with the high water content in all these sources, you cannot possibly eat enough of them to maintain a sustainable calorie surplus. If you try, you will end up feeling bloated and full, but that’s all.

Identifying A Vegan Weight Gain Meal Plan Isn’t Easy.

That’s the thing. It is not about a magical one-stop solution that works for everyone.

There is no " one size fits all" here. Whether you are a vegan or vegetarian, weight gain takes time and consistency.

You need routine, discipline, and the right foods. You need to stop chasing meal plans and focus on constructing your own diet charts based on your caloric needs.

How Many Calories Do You Need?

To gain weight, a calorie surplus is a must. You should be aiming to consume as many as 300 to 500 additional calories per day. And these calories must come from healthy sources , not chips and soda.

We ruled out the possibility of stuffing our faces with too many plant-based foods to increase calories, so what is the solution?

Calorie-dense Foods. That’s right. The best vegan weight gainer is practically food that packs a large amount of energy in small sizes, so it can be consumed in greater volumes.

Don’t worry. There are plenty of calorie-dense vegan foods out there to help you figure out how to gain weight, vegetarian or vegan. If you do not have the appetite to eat these calorie-dense foods, consider investing in a good appetite stimulant supplement.

Vegetarian/Vegan Weight Gainer Foods

Without much ado, here are the top vegan weight gainer foods:


Avocado is an excellent source of nutrition. Creamy, delicious, and packed with calories, this superfood is rich in healthy fats. You can gain as many as 320 calories from a medium-sized avocado.

Nuts (and their Butter)

Healthy fats, proteins, calories- they have it all. Add some delicious peanut or walnut butter to your diet every day, or you can just munch on a couple of handfuls. Either way, you ensure you remain in a surplus long enough to gain weight.


This delicious Middle Eastern treat is calorie-dense (almost 90 calories per teaspoon). It also is protein-rich and has high amounts of healthy fat. What’s more? It is super easy to make (from toasted sesame seeds). Add it generously to your salads and wraps, and you should have a calorie-dense delicious meal in no time.

Sweet Potato

Yummy. Grill it, mash it or just roast it in some olive oil and tuck in. One bowl will give you as many as 180 calories. It is rich in other nutrients as well (vitamins, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants).

Brown Rice

Cheap, easy, and versatile. You will up your calorie intake by 200 and also increase your protein intake simultaneously. Add all the vegetables and pulses you like to put together a lovely midnight or afternoon snack.
There are plenty of other foods like olive oil, legumes, etc that we haven’t ignored. We just like the taste of these better.

Tips To Gain Weight As A Vegetarian or Vegan

Consider this your three-point checklist to effectively gain weight as a vegan/vegetarian:

Assess yourself.

Know your current calorie intake. Know how much you should eat. Track what you eat and when you eat it. As time goes by, check your weight regularly and track your progress.

Diet + Exercise.

No, they will not cancel each other out. Maintain a calorie surplus.

Meanwhile, also workout regularly. Include anaerobic workouts (lifting) to gain muscle mass. Try supplements or appetite enhancer pills along with this (not before consulting your physician, though, since most vegan weight gainer pills on the internet are not reliable.)

Bigger Plates.

It actually works. Eat all your meals on bigger plates. And eat faster. This way you can trick your brain into not feeling too full too soon. Also, don’t drink water during meals.


Gaining weight on a vegan diet and lifestyle routines is not as difficult as everyone makes it seem to be. It is all about conscious effort and consistency.
Eating right, training right, and being disciplined are all it takes.

You could search for the miracle vegan weight gainer solution all day. But it is all down to eating healthy and exercising right, at the end of the day.

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