4 Things to Do After a Semi-Truck Accident

4 Things to Do After a Semi-Truck Accident
Being involved in a truck accident can be devastating. Injuries caused by large vehicles can be severe, and the memories can be traumatic. If you’ve found yourself struggling to comprehend what happened following your accident, you are not alone. Many people find that they are disoriented and even panicked following a close call in an accident.

Between injury recovery and nightmares, many people feel overwhelmed following a semi-truck accident. This doesn’t mean that you don’t deserve to be properly compensated for your losses and your trauma.

If you are lucky enough to survive, you may be wondering what to do following a semi-truck collision. The easy answer is to take it easy and heal, but if you are pursuing a personal injury case, you will have some work to do. Let’s take a look at a few things that you should do after your semi-truck accident.

Call the Police

If you are able to do so, you will need to call the police immediately following your accident. If you are injured,a witness or bystander will likely make the call on your behalf. You are likely to have suffered damage to your vehicle, and you could be blocking the road, so it’s important to call 911 immediately to get help.

Once the police arrive, you need to give them your complete statement about what happened. Try to recall as many details as you can, including weather and road conditions. Tell them if you feel like you have any injuries, and request an EMT team to give you an evaluation before you leave the scene.

Document the Scene

The details of the scene of your accident will help the courts to determine liability and level of compensation. You must document everything that you can following your accident. Talk to bystanders and request that they make a written statement about everything that they witnessed. Request all contact and insurance information from the truck driver and any other vehicle drivers that were involved in the accident.

Take photos and video of the scene of the accident from as many different angles as you can. Take a few minutes to write down some notes of everything that you can remember about what happened and the moments leading up to the accident. After a traumatic crash , the details of the accident can start to fade quickly, so it’s essential to record your notes quickly.

Seek Medical Attention

When the police arrive, request an EMT team. Even if you don’t feel injured, you should have them look at you. Many serious injuries can take days to show up following a traumatic collision. After you are released from the scene, you must follow up at the emergency room or make an appointment to see your doctor as soon as possible.

Talk to a Lawyer

Navigating the legal system for a personal injury case requires the help of an expert if you want to be successful. Injury lawyers have years of experience dealing with accident lawsuits and will act in your favor as your advocate. Your lawyer will advise you on the next legal steps, deal with the insurance companies, and attend court on your behalf.

If you have been involved in an accident with a semi-truck, it’s important to follow these steps to protect your health and financial interests. Talk to a lawyer today about building a solid personal injury case.

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