Surprising Diet Tips To Keep Your Teeth Strong and Beautiful

Surprising Diet Tips To Keep Your Teeth Strong and Beautiful
Eating right is great for your body, and it can protect your teeth and boost your dental health. To make sure you include foods that are great for your teeth, strive to include fresh fruits and vegetables into your diet.

Avoid sugary foods.

Additionally, it's a good idea to avoid too much snacking and try to consume the majority of your calories at three distinct meals.

Focus on the Rainbow

A diet high in Vitamin C will protect your gums and give your teeth a healthy foundation. Vitamin C can be found in brightly colored citrus fruits, including oranges, grapefruit, and tomatoes. Additionally, dark green vegetables including spinach and broccoli are ideal sources of Vitamin C.

Eat to Support Bones and Teeth

Dairy is high in calcium. If you can't tolerate milk, cheese, and yogurt, consider eating more fortified soy products and try to incorporate almonds into your diet. Some milk products are high in fat. Try to seek out skim or reduced-fat milk products. Finally, if you enjoy flavored or sweetened yogurt as part of your daily diet, try to switch to plain yogurt with fresh fruit to reduce the amount of sugar you consume.

Phosphorus is a critical nutrient for building and maintaining strong teeth. Eggs and beans are an excellent source of phosphorus. These foods also offer a low-cost way to make sure you're getting enough protein. Many nuts and lean meats are also high in phosphorus.

Focus on Antioxidants

Antioxidants are critical to healthy tissues throughout your body. They help you to fight inflammation and infection. A diet high in antioxidants can reduce your risk of gum disease. Foods high in antioxidants are easy to spot. As a general rule, the more intense the color, the higher the antioxidant level. Berries such as blueberries, raspberries, and strawberries pack a powerful antioxidant punch. In addition, strawberries contain malic acid, which can act as an astringent to reduce staining on your teeth.

Seek Out Probiotics

Probiotics are good for your entire digestive tract. They can also protect your gums. A simple way to make sure you're ingesting these beneficial bacteria is to focus on fermented foods. Unpasteurized sauerkraut and pickles made in salt brine with no vinegar can boost your probiotic intake.

Don't Forget Zinc

Zinc protects the structural health of your teeth. Foods that contain a boost of zinc include shellfish. Oysters are high in zinc, as are crab legs, shrimp, and mussels. If you suffer from a shellfish allergy, try to increase your intake of legumes such as lentils and chickpeas. Hummus is a great source of zinc.

Keeping Your Teeth Sparkly White

In addition to a visit to the professionals at Coco Lab Smile , there are foods that can naturally whiten your teeth. Apples provide a mild abrasive treatment, scrubbing away plaque and reducing the risk of stains. A fiber-rich salad of fresh broccoli can also help to scrub your teeth naturally.

Timing is Key

Whenever possible, try to eat three healthy meals a day and keep snacking to a minimum. If you snack, work to avoid any sugary foods. One of the worst things for your teeth is to ingest sugary, sticky foods, and not brush them immediately. If possible, enjoy a fresh apple as a mid-afternoon snack. Not only will this gently scrub your teeth, but your body will appreciate the fiber boost as the day winds down.

If you can't brush after each meal, be aware that keeping to a three-meal schedule will increase your production of saliva. By concentrating your food intake at specific times instead of grazing all day, you'll release more saliva during your meals, which will protect your teeth and gums.


A dry mouth is extremely hard on your gums, which will eventually be hard on your teeth. If you generally have a soda or cup of coffee with you, make sure to include sips of water as well. Soda, even diet soda, is extremely hard on your teeth. In addition, even diet soda can increase your desire for sugar.

Work to keep a refillable water bottle with you throughout the day. In addition to drinking plenty of water, try to brush after every meal. If you can't, use water from your bottle to rinse and spit or rinse and swallow. By rinsing, you can wash away food particles that are clinging to your gums and protect your teeth from acid damage.

Foods to Avoid

Hard candy is extremely hard on your teeth and attacks them from several different angles. First of all, when you suck on hard candy, you're bathing your teeth in sugar for an extended period of time. Secondly, you may choose to bite down on candy before it will crack easily. Biting down on hard candy can cause breakage and fractures in the tooth enamel.

Citrus fruits are very good for your gums, but they do contain acid. Too much acid can damage your tooth enamel and irritate your gums, as well as exacerbating any sores you have in your mouth. If you have water with lemon during your meal, follow it up with plenty of plain water to reduce the level of acid on and around your teeth.

Coffee and tea in their natural form can stain your teeth. If you require a lot of sugar or flavored creamers in your coffee and tea, you're bathing your teeth in a sugary acid that will darken them over time. Try to develop a taste for plain, unsweetened coffee and tea. Additionally, make sure to drink plenty of water with these beverages, as caffeinated beverages will dry out your mouth.

Alcoholic beverages also dry out your mouth. If you like a glass of wine with dinner, make sure to include water with the meal and be ready to brush and floss right after you eat. Alcohol can reduce your saliva production over time , causing further gum dryness and damage.

Sticky foods, such as dried fruits in trail mix, offer a nutritional boost but can be hard on your teeth. Snack with care. If you like trail mix as a snack, rinse with water after your snack or try to eat a piece of fresh, abrasive fruit such as a handful of strawberries. Once they're stuck to your teeth, dried apricots and raisins act as a candy bar would and can cause acid damage to your enamel.

An Adult's Daily Diet Schedule for Healthy Teeth

For breakfast, try

  1. black coffee

  2. whole-grain toast with peanut butter

  3. half an orange

  4. a hard-boiled egg

For a mid-morning snack, slice and savor a sweet, crunchy apple or have plain yogurt with fresh raspberries mixed in.

Romantic couple in love at home drinking coffee


  1. Spinach salad with slices of beef or chicken, shredded cheese and sliced tomato, or

  2. A turkey sandwich on whole-grain bread with cheese and romaine lettuce. A side of tomato soup would boost your antioxidant intake.


  1. A glass of wine or similar

  2. Baked potato with butter, cheese, and sour cream

  3. Salmon, chicken breast or beef of your choice

  4. Steamed broccoli on the side.

Throughout the day, carry water. Rinse when you can't brush and try to brush after every meal.

Obviously, vegans and vegetarians would have to adjust this list to their preferences. However, you can enjoy a wide variety of foods and protect your teeth at the same time.


Structuring your diet around your dental health will also support a healthy body. By striving to gain the essential nutrients for your teeth, you'll also be supporting your bones and connective tissues.

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