How Can Cannabis Be Part of a Healthy, Family-oriented Lifestyle?

How Can Cannabis Be Part of a Healthy, Family-oriented Lifestyle?
Every living generation has grown up believing cannabis to be a dangerous drug. For most of the 20th century, lawmakers, law enforcement, educators, and parents pushed the idea that weed users would develop violent and criminal tendencies, that marijuana is bad for the body and mind, and that its use leads to even more destructive addictions, like heroin and meth.

Yet, as research reveals cannabis’s true nature and more and more people accept the drug into their lifestyles, you might be wondering whether you can integrate marijuana use into your life if you are focused on health, wellness, family, and faith.

Cannabis for Health

Cannabis was one of the first crops ever domesticated by humankind, way back more than 12,000 years ago. Almost from the jump, humans began using the plant for medicinal applications, and it appears in catalogs of healing herbs in the earliest recorded histories and medical texts.

Modern research has demonstrated inarguably that cannabis has a variety of medical applications, from nausea and pain relief to potential uses in protecting and regenerating neurological tissue.

As early as the 1960s, doctors have encouraged patients with severe illnesses like cancer and AIDS to use cannabis products to alleviate discomfort and improve outcomes, and today, researchers are experimenting with cannabis treatments for neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s and multiple sclerosis as well as chronic neurological disorders like epilepsy.

Medical applications of cannabis are so irrefutable that many states staunchly against recreational marijuana use maintain thriving medical marijuana programs. In fact, Oklahoma has one of the most accessible medical cannabis programs despite being one of the most conservative states. If nothing else, cannabis is a promising source of treatment for a number of health conditions.

Cannabis for Wellness

Cannabis doesn’t provide benefits merely to those suffering from disease or disorder. In fact, there are a number of ways cannabis can healthily factor into a normal lifestyle and drastically improve wellbeing. Here are a few study findings of regular marijuana users:

There are multitudes of studies that make similar claims about cannabis contributing to all-over wellness. Because cannabis works with a body’s systems instead of against them as alcohol does, cannabis users are a healthier, happier bunch.

Medicinal Cannabis

Cannabis for Family

Contrary to popular belief, it is possible to keep one’s family safe while using cannabis. CBD-only products do not result in a mind-altering high, so they are safe to use whenever you deem them necessary. However, when it comes to THC-containing products, you should try to be a bit more careful, as you might when drinking alcohol or using another substance that reduces your faculties. It might be wise to abstain when your children are awake and require care; in fact, you might want to reserve heavy use for days or evenings when your kids are in someone else’s care.

When your kids are old enough to recognize your cannabis use, you should talk to them about why you partake and how you ensure that your habits are healthy. This will help them understand that cannabis can be fun, but only when it is used safely and responsibly.

Cannabis for Faith

Just as cannabis has almost always been a part of human medical care, cannabis has also had a prominent place in spirituality. Some of the first evidence of humans burning cannabis comes from what is almost certainly a religious ceremony in China and several religions around the world rely on cannabis for various sacraments.

Many Christians suggest that the Bible is teeming with evidence that cannabis is a sacred plant and its use is encouraged by God. Just a few passages that support this include Genesis 1:12, which purports that all plants God created were blessed by Him, and Ezekiel 34:29 and Revelations 22:1-2, which hint at a plant of renown that is used widely for healing. It is possible that more explicit references to cannabis and its use were scrubbed from the holy texts through the ages.

Whether or not you intend to use cannabis in your lifestyle, it cannot be denied that for some, cannabis is a critical cure and a crucial comfort. Just as alcohol can be used in moderation without inhibiting a healthy, happy, family-oriented lifestyle, cannabis can be safe and essential for wellness and success.

[caption id="attachment_30097" align="aligncenter" width="1440"]Image Care of NewsWeek.com "THE HEATED DEBATE ABOUT COMBINING YOGA WITH MARIJUANA"[/caption]

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