Start Relieving Stress with 5 Simple Daily Habits

Start Relieving Stress with 5 Simple Daily Habits
In our world today, we experience more stressful situations than our bodies were meant to withstand. However, many of us do not want to go on medications to help control the effects of stress due to the side effects of some medications are worse than the condition being treated.

However, there are several things we can do to help manage our stress and its effects naturally… without medication.
Note – it is important to seek medical advice, and sometimes medication will be necessary when stress turns into something more. However, the advice in this guide is designed to be natural support, to help avoid stress getting out of hand, or to help you manage it when it does.

So, here they are...

5 Things You Can Start Doing Today to Reduce Stress and Feel Happily Alive

1 – How Walking Relieves Stress

It seems like nowadays, everyone is talking about stress. What causes it, how to relive it, how to eliminate it. In addition, with stress thought to be a contributing cause to many physical and psychological ailments, who can blame them?

Walking is the most basic activity that everyone does every day. You may find walking to be a utilitarian task, but walking is a task that will help you release stress from your body. This article explores how walking can change your life when you are stressed, how to walk correctly and when to walk. You must choose an active solution for your stress over a static solution. Sitting on your problems is not effective, and you may make a change in your life today that will reap rewards indefinitely.

#1: Walking Is Simple

You need not pay a dime to walk, and you are not required to use a special technique. You may walk anywhere you want, and you may walk for as long as you want. Everyone has a different idea of what a peaceful walk feels like, and you may take any sort of walk you want. Do not limit yourself, and do not assume there is but one way to feel good after a walk.

#2: Walking Helps Release Energy

The pace of your walk determines how much energy you release, but every walk will help you release energy that is stuck inside your body. You could have any problem in the world, but you can get rid of all your nervous energy by walking. You will come out of a walk a little tired, and you have had time to sort out your thoughts. This is the time you can decide what to do when you are met with a stressful situation.

#3: Start Talking To Yourself

A private walk gives you time to talk out the situation that is causing you so much stress. You may not have time to solve all your problems during your walk, but you will come out of your walk with more clarity than when you started. Walking forces you to change the scenery around you, and you will feel as though you can get your thoughts straight. Take your phone on your walk with you. You may choose to check your email, read a news story or make phone calls to solve the problem. You can take action immediately as new ideas come to you.

#4: Walk-In A Place Where You Feel Comfortable

You can go for a walk anywhere you want, but it is wise to take a walk in a place where you feel comfortable. You will feel much better because you recognize all your surroundings. Going on a walk in a place you do not know will make you feel as though you are unsafe. Your stress level could rise again, and you are defeating the purpose of the walk.

Every walk you take gives you an opportunity to change your life for the better. You get more time to think about your problems, time to sort things out and time to get away from people. You will return with more positive energy, less negative energy and a new plan to deal with your most current stressful situation.

2 – How Unplugging From Your Smartphone and Computer Relieves Stress

Your smartphone and computer run your life for a very good reason. Your phone helps you keep in touch with everyone you love, and your computer is often the most important tool you take to work every day. No one would suggest that you can go without these devices, but you must unplug from these devices as often as you can. Your stress levels can reach incredible levels when you are working, and walking away from digital technology will help you relax. This section explains why a short break from your phone and computer will help you get through the day.

#1: Work Is Stressful on Its Own

Work can be stressful on its own every day, and you should have a chance to walk away from the stress. Your phone and computer carry around the stress of a long workday when you receive emails, phone calls, and text messages. You should stop responding to these items for just a little while to unplug yourself from what stresses you out. You will never stop being stressed if you are carrying a workaround with you in your pocket or in your bag.

#2: Phone Calls are Intrusive

You cannot spend all your time talking on the phone when you are stressed about work or other matters. The stress alone will make you feel as if you are going crazy, and you should not take another call because you feel obligated. Turn off your phone, return the calls later or send people texts telling them you are taking a break. Every break you take away from your phone can be short, but just a few minutes away from your phone will help you clear your head.

#3: Your Computer is Heavy

Your computer is the heaviest thing you carry around every day, and you have no business spending your time carrying around a computer that needs to rest every day. Your computer will overheat if you use it too much, and your shoulder will begin to hurt if you are carrying your bag too much. Unplugging here and there will help you avoid tension, avoid pain and give your computer a break. Your computer will last longer if you are willing to unplug occasionally.

#4: You Are Making Yourself Sick

Stress will make you sick, and you will find yourself missing more days of work because you do not feel well. Unplugging once a day helps your body regain the energy it needs to move forward, and you will avoid the awkward situation in which you are sick for no good reason. People around you will wonder what is going on, but your phone and computer will be at the heart of the problem.

The stress that you are experiencing at work is coming back to you through your phone and computer. You must unplug occasionally to ensure that you are not making yourself sick. Walk away from work, set work down and come back to your work when you are ready to face the day again.

3 – How Listening To Classical Music Relieves Stress

While many people look to drugs or other therapies to relieve stress, they overlook more prosaic approaches such as looking for their iPod or smart phone’s musical selection. Music, which many uses to urge themselves through a strenuous workout, can also be used to relieve stress depending upon the selection. Studies are showing that listening to classical music can relieve stress.

Classical music such as Beethoven, Bach or the like has a slower pace that urges the listener to slow down as well. Listening to classical music can lower blood pressure, improve general mood and relieve stress and depression. However, the maximum benefits only arrive if classical music is listened to in the correct manner. Simply playing classical music in the background might have some benefits to the overall stress reduction, but to truly achieve the results the listener needs to listen and pay attention to the music. This means shutting out other distractions and letting the music take you away. If the office, this might mean shutting the door to the office, lowering the lights and shutting the eyes and just listening. Simply doing this for fifteen to twenty minutes can have a significant impact on stress.

Another method for incorporating the stress relief advantage of classical music is to play classical music while engaging in a mindless task, meaning one that does not require much thought such as preparing a meal if you are a proficient chef. Preparing a meal to the haunting strains of Bach can relax a person as much as meditation and makes a nice way to end the workday and prepare for a relaxing evening. Other mindless tasks include a slow jog, performing yoga, or while washing off the day under a warm shower. Any activity that relaxes you and doesn’t require much thought is a good candidate for this method of incorporating classical music into your life and the more classical music can be integrated into your life seamlessly, the greater the benefits.

Listening to classical music might seem like an easy fix for stress and it can be but only as part of an overall stress reduction plan. Finding the causes of stress and strategies for alleviating them is also necessary. In the beginning, finding this information might seem as stressful as the stress itself, but the rewards will be great on many fronts such as physical and physiological. In addition, don’t forget to have your classical music playing in the background while you search to give yourself a soundtrack for a new less stressful life. So in the future, when you find yourself feeling stressed, instead of popping a pill, try popping on some Beethoven and see if that doesn’t help relieve your stress.

4 – Journaling Brings a Peaceful Solace

Gaining the right perspective about situations in life is half the battle when it comes to finding peace around the difficulties humans inevitably face.

Every day there are conversations and happenings in our lives that can take away that precious peace we need to stay sane. A good friend who's always there to listen is so very helpful, and a reflective still moment in time can be a gift. Both of these gainful aspects and more can be achieved through simply keeping a journal , and below, we'll explore how journaling can help relieve stress by giving us the right perspective on our everyday lives.

Although a person may not think of themselves as much of a writer, they can still benefit from keeping a journal. The helpfulness of keeping a regular journal isn't dependent on whether you are a good writer or not, but on whether you are sincere with your words. When writing down sincere words from your heart about your fears, joys, troubles, pains, loves, and whatever other emotions – a person is able to see what they think outside of their mind.

Words were written down to take on a life of their own, and these formulated words can be analyzed and studied in order to gain an understanding of ourselves. This process can be helpful in gaining the right perspective of the difficult situations we deal with in life. Being able, to be honest with ourselves by reflecting on the words we write cuts out the confusion of what we really believe. In order to grow and find peace with an ever-changing world, we have to start from the honest base of our true self. Journaling helps us find this base by our reflecting on the sincere words we write.

Another aspect of journaling that induces a peaceful solace is more tangible. This being the physicality of the writing itself. Whether done on a computer or an actual physical journal, a writer is alone with their thoughts in a peaceful place. Many times the silence needed to write brings the journal writer to places of solace, which is instinctively needed to focus on the expression. The process itself can be a soothing respite from a stress-full life of uncertainty.

The last point to make concerning how journaling can bring a peaceful solace is the powerful reflect nature in the process of writing about our lives. Sometimes it's hard to understand what we believe or feels about a situation in life until we hear ourselves express it in words. Our mind thinks in words and our feelings construct words to express these feelings. This reflective analysis can bring us an honest perspective on the subject of our concerns, and this helps us know how we need to adjust our perspective in order to have a balanced view.

Journaling is a simple tool for any person to relief stress no matter what their lifestyle is like. Writing sincere words down expressing our thoughts day to day, gives us an honest perspective of our true self. In the process we find a friend to keep us company and listens well, in a world where true friends are hard to find. When looking for a way to relieve stress and gain the right perspective about your life, consider journaling as a solution and you'll likely find the solace you've been looking for.

5 – Learning to Say No

It may seem a lot easier to say yes to everything, instead of saying no, however, that is not so good for your mind. Are you getting tired of obligations and meeting deadlines? Are you trying to do too many things at once? If this is you, that might mean that your stress relief could come pretty quick if you just start saying no to things in life.

Why Do You Have to Say No?

Requests are piling in. Is your mind going to be forever doomed to be cramped with things? If you’re willing to start saying no, then this doesn’t have to happen. This may not always look like the easy way, but it is the way to a road of happiness in the world of stress relief. Try to think about the fact that every glass breaks in a different way, so just because someone else can handle stress better than you, does not mean that you should have the ability to handle it that well. The only person who can know what is way too much for you is you.

You should look at the good points on why you should be saying no:

It can be selfless to say the word “no”. It doesn’t always have to be associated with selfishness. The times that you are saying no to a commitment with something or someone, you are just saying that you already have obligations and that you would like to honor them.

Saying no can open the door to many new things. Saying yes all the time is not healthy for your mind.

The Right Time To Say No

It can be hard to examine and pick which activities will need your attention the most. You can use some of these strategies to help you come to terms with your obligations:

You should try to put your mind to whatever matters the most.

Before trying to make and new commitments or obligations, make sure that you have enough time devoted to your other commitments or activities.

The question of whether or not the commitment is an important matter to you. By all means, if it is something that you really have your mindset on doing, then do it. However, if it is not a thing you would rather be doing, then say no.

Make sure to weigh the good and bad of the commitment.

Push the guilt away from the situation. If you are only doing it because you would feel guilty if you didn't, do not do it, say no.

Saying yes to something that you want to say no to, can cause you to not even enjoy an activity that you would have had fun at if you had wanted to do it. Don't ruin something you like doing, just to make someone else happy and watch your stress melt away.

And lastly, GET SUPPORT...


People inherently take on too much work nowadays. And many of us think we have to do it all ourselves to get it done right. The fact of the matter is we can’t do it all ourselves and we can be even more productive when we delegate out some of our work to others. The key is training your people to do the work you give them and for them to know the quality you expect back.

If these two things happen correctly, then all you have to do is review the work, make a few minor changes and it can be as good as if you had done the work yourself, but you invested much less time getting there … which freed you up to do other things. Delegating is one of the keys to being productive and reducing stress caused by work.

Getting help

At times, everything can begin to pile up and at some point, we are overwhelmed. When that happens, our stress level goes through the roof. And while we don’t like to admit it, before reaching that point, get some help to take at least some of the burden off you. Getting overwhelmed can happen easily if you are the care provider to a friend or family member.

You can’t do everything yourself!

And it makes sense to ask for help because if it starts to affect your health, who is going to take care of the person you are charged with caring for?

Asking for help is not a sign of weakness.

As a matter of fact, it is just the opposite, you know you have more work than you can handle and have the strength and fortitude to know you need help. Sometimes the help you need might have to come from professionals trained in a specific area. Of course, we are talking about mental health.

Be smart...

if you need professional help, ask for it.

Be more sociable

People are gregarious animals and because of our social nature, we function better being around other people. While face-to-face interactions are always better, it is not always possible. Facetime, Skype, messaging and email are better than nothing and it keeps you in the loop with family and friends. As a result, it will lower your stress level too.

We have covered many different tips and techniques you can use to naturally bring down your stress level. If you can do it naturally it is always better than taking prescribed or even over-the-counter medications as the side effects from these can be worse than the conditions they are trying to treat.

You can recognize what is causing your stress and once you know, you can reduce it to a manageable level naturally. You can do this!

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