The 2019 Revision of the World Population Prospects reveals that the elderly population is now growing at a faster rate compared to the younger age groups.
In Northern America and Europe, it is projected that in 2050 there will be
one in four persons aged 65 and older. In fact, every country in the world has seen an increase in the number of individuals aged 65 and older. And, such would mean significant transformations in the society, not just in the financial and labor sectors.
The aging population also means more individuals are experiencing a decline in their behavioral, psychological, and physical health. This leads them to become too prone to getting sick and being frail. As a consequence, some of the younger population will also start to view them as liabilities and a burden to society. But, this should not be the case.
The following are some of the many reasons why these seniors should be given proper care and attention.
3 Reasons Why Seniors Should Be Given Proper Care and Attention
Seniors face a higher risk of diseases
Seniors are more susceptible to different kinds of diseases due to a lot of factors. Decreased strength and weakened immune systems are just two of the many reasons why the older population is prone to having diseases.
Another factor that predisposes them to illnesses is the lack of mobility. Since seniors are mostly retired, they are more likely to lead a sedentary life. This is when their risks for many diseases also start to increase. One way to counter such a tendency to become less active is to encourage them to engage in physical activities.
However, if an elderly is mobility challenged due to an already existing health issue, you can still help him or her becomes active by providing a walker, rollator, or anything that helps the senior with his mobility problems. The guys behind
Uplifting Mobility
believe that staying active by addressing mobility issues even before it starts is one huge key towards healthy aging. Adult children or caregivers must see to it that proper care and attention are given to their seniors. This way, any health issues aside from problems with mobility, will be addressed immediately.
Seniors are significant contributors to society
Do you know that many organizations will have difficulty functioning without senior volunteers?

Not to mention the fact that seniors are also known to give more donations to charitable institutions, per capita, compared to the younger population.
Besides, seniors also love to babysit as they are always willing to look after and take care of their grandchildren. Just imagine how many parents would have difficulty finding it hard to be employed and work for 8 hours a day without someone else to look after their young children?
Besides, paying for a
at an hourly rate can be very expensive. Our grandparents also do housework, yard work, etc. They also provide care to their sons and daughters who are still struggling with their married life while also juggling between too many family responsibilities every day. These contributions are reason enough for the younger generation to give seniors the proper care and attention that they truly deserve. Compassionate care is particularly important for the well-being of our loved ones.
Seniors need to feel a sense of belonging and acceptance
Having a sense of belonging is one significant predictor of a senior’s reason for living. An Australian
revealed that seniors who have a higher sense of belonging gave them more reasons to live.
Another study was also conducted in Spain to analyze how a sense of belonging and residential satisfaction influences an aged individual. Some of the findings of the said study showed that residential satisfaction positively influenced a senior’s sense of belonging. But
was found to negatively affect an elderly’s residential satisfaction, as well as their sense of belongingness.
This goes to say that giving the seniors enough attention, coupled with proper care,
loneliness won’t have a place in the residential facility where they are staying. This will greatly spare them from the health risks that are often associated with loneliness.
These older individuals have laid the foundation for everything that we have at present. This is why the younger population owes it to them to give them the proper care and attention they truly deserve.
Moreover, having a better quality of life through improved health and wellness should not be something that will become elusive as seniors continue to age. With proper care and attention, the world’s geriatric population will more likely to remain as productive as they can be while they age happily.