There are countless benefits to learning meditation and relaxation exercises to help deal with stress and alleviate tiredness. Meditation is a means to find peace and calm, and relax the body and mind. It is a means to look inward, detach, and focus on a few moments for one’s self. Relaxation exercises are also a means to remove tension but have the added benefit of being able to not only affect one’s emotional and mental well-being but also affect the physical body positively because of the simple movements involved.
In this day and age where people are constantly on the go; and the hustle and bustle of life take up so much of one’s day, it is important to have the know-how to deal with these stresses any time and to make sure that the body and the mind are always in tip-top shape. There have long been connections between how stress manifests itself as illnesses of the body and knowing how to meditate and learning and practicing simple relaxation exercises can greatly help in one’s well-being.
Follow these steps for a few minutes of meditation to center one’s self and de-stress.
A few moments of meditation can be done just about anywhere. All that is needed is a place where one is safe and secure and comfortable. It may be a few moments in the car, a quiet bench or seat in the house, park or even the mall, or even just sitting quietly at your office desk.
This step takes some time to master. In the beginning, it may take a few moments to consciously quiet one’s self and let go of all the distractions around, but as you practice, it gets easier and easier to do so. Try to maintain this calm for as long as possible. After some practice, it becomes easier and one can stay longer in this state.
This is basically the best thing to focus on because it will always be there and present. Being conscious of the regularly and rhythm of one’s breathing helps create a sense of tranquility and peace. Learn to appreciate each moment of breathing in – feeling the breath filling one’s being. Focus too on breathing out, imagining stresses and all distractions leaving along with each breath that leaves one’s body.
meditation daily will help improve one’s well-being and one’s ability to deal
with the daily stresses and tensions throughout the day. It only takes a few moments, but its benefits
are well worth it.
Find a safe place to spend a few moments
to relax. While breathing deeply and purposefully,
do the following simple stretches.
From looking forward with one’s head straight, tilt your
head from to center to one side, moving slowly for up to 8 counts. Slowly go
back to the first position, breathing deeply and tilt to the other side. Move on to tilting from front to back, again
focusing on the slow and purposeful movements and doing up to 8 counts.
While focusing on one’s breathing and starting from head
facing forward, lead with one’s chin and slowly turn to the right, taking about
8 to 10 counts to complete the movement. Stay there for a breath or two and
slowly go back to front facing position and repeat on the other side.
With both arms loose and relaxed, slowly lift the
shoulder’s up. Pause for a breath or two and slowly lower back to first
position. Do this a few times to loosen the shoulders and back.
Beginning from the facing front position, slowly turn to
one side, twisting from the waist. Do this slowly and be conscious to only
twist up to what is a comfortable stretch. Pause for a moment or two and slowly
go back to 1 st
position. Do this on both sides slowly and
Slowly and purposefully move your legs to gently stretch
and relax the muscles. Start with the knees, slowly bending each knee and
pulling it up towards the chest. Maintain deep breaths and feel the
stretch. Slowly bring the knee back down
and repeat on the other.
While practicing meditative breathing,
flex and relax the muscles to relieve them of tension. Moving up slowly from
the toes do this for all muscle groups – the legs, buttocks, abdomen, fingers,
hands, arms, shoulders, neck and then face; focusing on slowly flexing them and
feeling them tighten, and then releasing them and feeling the tension leave.
These small movements are beneficial not
only for one’s physical well-being but also to be more mindful and aware of
one’s mind-body connection.
Meditation and relaxation exercises have a lot of benefits. It is not only good for the body but also for mental and emotional wellness. Those mentioned are a few ways that are simple and easy to do just about anywhere. Practicing these consistently will not only help in dealing with the stresses of daily life but also create a better sense of self and well-being.
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