The 13 Best Deskercise Moves to Keep You Feeling Good

The 13 Best Deskercise Moves to Keep You Feeling Good
Office jobs can be exhausting even though you're comfortably seated all day. And when you spend all hours slumped over your desk and keeping yourself awake with caffeine, there's nothing more exciting than finally lying on the bed to go to sleep.

Aside from reoccurring back pains, sitting at the desk all day can also kill you - literally. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), millions of deaths are caused by a lack of physical activity. The sedentary lifestyle of many office workers makes them more prone to the risk of getting heart diseases, loss of muscle and bone strength, as well as diabetes.

"It's so easy to lose your fitness and so hard to gain it back"

But it doesn't always have to be this way. There are a lot of ways to keep yourself physically active even whilst working! Now, we're not just talking about taking a couple of steps across your desk to get a drink.

These are actual exercises that you can do while in the office, and some can even be done while seated. (Here a few from the 28-Day Whole Life Fitness Manifesto free lifestyle program )


With these simple yet effective desk workouts - aka deskercise, you'll be able to maintain not only a healthy body but a healthy mind too!

The 13 Best Deskercise Exercises You can Do at Your Office Desk

1. Desk Chair Twist

You don't need to buy any kind of equipment to maintain an active lifestyle inside the office. For the desk chair twist, all you need to do is sit straight and keep your feet slightly above the floor. Then place your fingertips on the edge of your desk and use your abs to gently twist from left, back to the center, and then to the right - for a total of 10 reps.


For an upgrade, you can also hold a water bottle at chest level. Do it slowly and make sure you keep your knees and hips forward. Instant ab workout!

2. The Seated Leg Raise

If you’ve been waiting too long for that salary raise, maybe a leg raise is a good idea for now. One of the greatest things about this particular deskercise is that your officemates won’t even notice your working out!

While you comfortably seated on your chair, straighten one leg, or both legs. Keep them there for five or more seconds, then gently lower without touching the floor. Repeat the exercise for 15 reps, alternating the legs (if done separately).


If you don’t feel any challenge, wrap a purse or a briefcase strap over your ankles to add some weight.

3. Walk/Jog/Run in Place

This one probably doesn’t need an explanation, but of course, you have to do it while standing. Walk, jog, or run in place for 30-45 seconds for about 3 to 5 times. You can maintain constant pacing, or start with walking until you can run in place. To make it more challenging, try to bring your knees up to the waist level.


4. Shoulder Press

If you have a pile of paper on your desk, then you have the perfect equipment for this deskercise. If you don’t have papers on your desk, grab anything that weighs a few pounds (a laptop, perhaps). Hold it at shoulder height, keeping your arms straight, and raise it all the way overhead. Do 10 reps of this workout and repeat for three times.


5. Push-Ups

Before you skip reading this part, you have to know that this won’t require you to get on the floor. You can do push-ups on the wall or even on the edge of your office desk. Just make sure you have a sturdy surface, or you’ll end up paying for any damages. For push-ups, do ten reps at least three times.


6. Calf Raises

This is another simple deskercise that requires you to stand up behind your chair. While standing, hold on to your chair and gently raise your heels off the floor. Keep going until you’re only standing on your toes. Slowly lay your feet flat on the floor. Just like most of the other workouts, try to do ten reps 3 times.


7. Wall Sit

This deskercise is as easy as it sounds, and it builds strength and endurance. For this one, all you need to do is stand with your back against the wall, bend your knees, and slowly slide down into a seated position. Make sure your thighs are parallel to the floor and hold for at least 10 to 30 seconds.

If you want to burn extra calories, cross the right ankle over the opposite knee. Hold it for about 15 seconds, then switch the other ankle.


8. Take the Stairs

Ditch the lift and always go for the stairs. Although it can be quite difficult to go the hard way, using the stairs helps burn calories and works out the lower body. Try to always climb two steps at a time, as this works more muscles and burns 10% more calories than just one.


9. Namaste Pose

This deskercise isn’t just for working out your arm muscles, but also helps you to release your worries. Relax and seat upright with your feet on the floor. Bring your palms in front of the chest, and gently push both hands powerfully. Keep pushing until you feel your arm muscles contract. Do this for about 20 seconds and repeat for as much as you desire.


10. Squats

The squat is a multi-function exercise that works a lot of different muscles, including the core, it’s even referred to as the “king of all exercises”. And while squats are usually done at home or inside the gym, you can also do it during office hours!


Simply stand up from your chair and sit back down. Repeat it at least ten times or more. See? It’s that simple!

11. One Man Handshake

Pretend as if you’re giving yourself a handshake. Sit up straight with your feet flat on the floor, and clasp your hands together, in a handshake position (thumbs pointing in opposite directions). Next, you have to pull both arms until you feel your biceps contract powerfully. Hold the position for around 10 seconds then repeat.

12. Shoulder Shrug

You can do this one probably anywhere in the office, either while sitting or standing up.
This exercise can even be done while waiting for your 300-page report to print. Simple raise both your shoulders up toward the ears, hold it for 5 seconds, then release. For a bit more challenge, try adding some weight, like a paper ream and hold in each hand. Repeat the exercise for 15 reps.


13. The Fab Abs Squeeze

This is another silent deskercise that no one would notice you’re working out. You can do this all day, whenever you find it convenient. Simply take a deep breath and tighten your abdominal muscles. As you exhale, bring your abs towards the spine.

Keep those muscles squeezed for around 5 to 10 seconds before releasing. Do it for at least 12-15 reps.


With these simple deskercises, you have no more excuse not to be fit! Keep a copy of these workouts (we know you have sticky notes there), so you won’t forget any of them! If you feel embarrassed doing some of the exercises on this list, try looking for an empty conference room during your lunch break. If someone catches you, share it with them, and they might admire what you do!

Author Bio: Isabel Speckman

Isabel is a North Carolina-based freelance writer and work-from-home mother of three. In her 10 years as a professional writer, she’s worked in proposal management, grant writing, and content creation. Her writing skills may be confirmed independently on Vivotion. Personally, she’s passionate about teaching her family how to stay safe, secure and action-ready in the event of a disaster or emergency. Connect with her on Facebook and Instagram.

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