Being healthy should be your top priority, but don’t feel bad if you have neglected your health in recent years.
The first step to becoming a healthier man is to focus on what you are eating. This not only helps you manage your weight, but can increase your muscle-building potential, and help with overall wellness. Here are some diet tips to keep in mind.
4 Simple Rules of Engagement when it comes to Eating Healthy as a Man
Rule 1. Fill Up on the Right Stuff
When you are choosing what to eat for your next meal or snack, focus on the highest nutrients possible. Sure, you could eat a donut for breakfast and burn it off without too many issues, but it won’t sustain you and it provides practically zero vitamins and minerals. When you choose your meals, change your mindset to think about fueling your body and taking care of it. Fill up on healthy, whole, fresh foods, and you will feel so much better.
Rule 2. Get Adequate Iron and Protein
Speaking of nutrients, you do want a nice balance of various vitamins and minerals. Beyond that, men do need certain nutrients in larger quantities, including iron and protein. These nutrients can be found in many healthy foods, including milk, nuts and seeds, meat, and lots of veggies. As long as you eat a balanced diet, you should be getting enough of these nutrients, but you might want to track your food for a while just to be sure.
Rule 3. Don’t Forget the Healthy Fats
Fats are not bad for you! Certain fats are not ideal, like vegetable oil and margarine, but you should still have fat in your diet. Healthy fats will fill you up and keep up your energy for workouts and other daily responsibilities. Try healthy fats like coconut oil, eggs, cheese, and yes – butter! Always go for real, grass-fed butter before anything processed like margarine. When looking for fats, avoid anything that states “low fat”, “light” or “reduced fat”.
Rule 4. Eat Enough to Sustain You
A big problem with men who are looking to get cut, build muscle, or lose weight is that they don’t eat enough. This same problem occurs with women. You need to get past the diet mentality and really focus on nourishing your body. Don’t reduce how much you eat, but rather change what you eat. Fill up on quality food, and stop eating when you are full. Stop depriving yourself, or you will also be depriving your muscles.
Not sure how much you should be eating? Follow these 4 easy steps...
- Grab a copy of my IIFYM: Keep it simple, Sexy! ebook
- Watch the 35-minute IIFYM tutorial video that accompanies the ebook.
- Use the FREE macro calculator found on my website, here
- Consider joining our next round of the RBT Shred
for meal plans, fitness programming, and 6-weeks of group accountability.
You got this.
Just take one step at a time, focusing on the simple things that can move your healthy lifestyle forward. Don't overthink it, just live it.