Happiness is a state of mind.
It is not determined by success, but in fact, happiness leads to success. It is not how much you have that makes you happy, but how much you enjoy what you have that makes for happiness. It is not something that can be bought, worn or consumed, owned or earned; it is something that comes from our own actions.
It is not humanly possible to stay away from the struggles of life, escape the responsibilities of running a family, being socially connected and also not suffer from bouts of misery and apprehension. But in spite of the highs and lows in life, if you are able to maintain a sunny disposition on life, you may actually be much happier than you think.
6 Signs That You are a Genuinely Happy Person
#1) Happy people are thankful
They are grateful for the resources and talents that they have and do the best to make the most of that. They derive pleasure from the little things in life whether it is enjoying Mother Nature, singing and dancing to their favorite beat, enjoying the rain, their morning coffee/tea, everyday tasks or job. They do not fret or sulk for things or power that they do not have, or for events that they are beyond their control, instead, they
think positively
and are optimists.
[tweet_box design="box_9"]It’s a helluva start, being able to recognize what makes you happy - Lucille Ball[/tweet_box]
#2) They live in the moment
As humans, we tend to dwell on the past and worry about the future and forget to enjoy the pleasures that the present has to offer. Happy people do look forward to a better future but not they are not enjoying the present but do not let their minds wander away. They have a passion for life that no one can change that keeps them motivated even in the worst of times, and unconditional acceptance for what lies ahead.
#3) They like to share theirs and others happiness
Happy people not only celebrate their experiences and accomplishments with others but also revel in the other people’s success, feeling genuine happiness instead of jealousy or spite. They feel compassion for people and are willing to help others, often
performing random acts of kindness and offering guidance. They are quick to pay compliments, ready to apologize and do not hold a grudge, dislike or hate anyone even if they did have trouble with them in the past.
#4) They are honest; they smile and laugh easily
They know their negative habits or behavior and do all they can to change them and take responsibility for making positive changes in their life be it their dietary or lifestyle habits or worrying too much. They understand that they can make their life happier by exercising regularly, meditating to reduce stress and give up on unhealthy eating habits, smoking, drugs and drinking too many alcoholic beverages to improve their quality of life.
[tweet_box design="box_9"]"Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony" - Mahatma Gandhi[/tweet_box]
They smile from within, often smile when alone, have a positive disposition towards life, enjoy the company of family and friends, have a great sense of humor and are able to laugh at themselves.
#5) They have healthy relationships and sleep well
The best relationship that they have is with themselves, they do not doubt their judgment often, do have regrets but do not dwell on them, and learn and grow from their failures and mistakes. They stop caring about what other people think about them and live life according to their own ideals instead of living up to others expectations or imitating someone.
As a result, even if they have setbacks in life, they are quick to bounce back to life. They enjoy healthily, interactive relationships with their family, friends, colleagues, and relatives.
They are basically at peace with themselves, are not workaholics and can get unplugged, can shut off their brains, close their eyes and relax, have faith in the most trying circumstances.
#6) They have a purpose in life
They know that money cannot buy happiness and that they have a higher purpose in life than the pursuit of material goods; to be able to make a difference in someone’s life and the society at large in any way they can, to spread happiness and most importantly, be a good human being.
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