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A few startling Canadian Osteoporosis Statistics[/caption]
November is
Osteoporosis Awareness Month -
Osteoporosis is a condition that causes bones to become thin and porous, decreasing bone strength and leading to increased risk of breaking a bone. Fractures from osteoporosis are more common than heart attack, stroke and breast cancer combined.
At least 1 in 3 women and 1 in 5 men will suffer from an osteoporotic fracture during their lifetime.
Osteoporosis statistics you need to know...
- Osteoporosis can strike men and women at any age.
- Women and men alike begin to lose bone in their mid-30's; as they approach menopause, women lose bone at a greater rate, from 2-3 per cent per year
- Osteoporosis causes 70-90% of 30,000 hip fractures annually.
- Twenty-eight per cent of women and 37% of men who suffer a hip fracture will die within the following year.
- The overall yearly cost to the Canadian healthcare system of treating osteoporosis and the fractures it causes was over $2.3 billion as of 2010.
Kelly Atyeo, a nutritionist and fellow
Ambassador, addresses osteoporosis in this month's article, "
Thinking Beyond Bone Loss
". It's a must read!
November's #ChickenChat is all about the Osteoporosis and Comfort Food Connection
A few things we'll be tweeting about:
- Osteoporosis
- Osteoporosis Prevention
- Eating well - the connection between diet and bone health
- Bone building benefits of comfort foods
- The Psychology of Comfort Foods
What's #ChickenChat?

On Wednesday,
November 19th 2014,
Chicken Farmers of Canada
's #ChickenChat is all about
Osteoporosis Awareness Month and the Comfort Foods connection.
We'll be talking about Osteoporosis in the Canadian landscape and many of the health aspects associated with a healthy diet and active lifestyle, relating to reducing one's chances of preventing osteoporosis on-set as we age. We'll be sharing tips, recipes, and pertinent information that can directly help you and your loved ones better understand what immediate actions you can take to increase your likelihood of maintaining a long, healthy, and strong-boned life... and of course, we'll be discussing the connection between comfort foods (yum!) and bone health.
From 12 pm EST to 1 pm EST, join host
, and co-hosts me (
) and dietitian Kelly @KellyAteyo along with a number of other Tweeters as we hone in on the importance of balancing a healthy active lifestyle with a way of eating that supports it.
Join us, interact with questions and answers, as well as follow along using the #
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Ok, let's recap - what do I have to remember?
- Join us on Twitter this Wednesday November 19th from 12 Noon EST to 1 pm EST
- Be ready to learn awesome information about osteoporosis, osteoporosis prevention, bone health, comfort foods, and a ton of other useful information.
- There's no RSVP required - just follow the Host and Co-hosts and hashtag #ChickenChat
to get involved.
- Lastly, remember to stay awesome!
See you at this month's "Osteoporosis Awareness" #ChickenChat