Finding the right type of probiotic for your body is very important. But unfortunately, it’s not as easy as you want it to be.
There is a large range of probiotics, all with different ingredients and different things they do for your body. Just try Googling 'probiotics' and you'll find yourself in a rabbit hole of information, while simply trying to answer one simple question,
"How do I choose a probiotic supplement?"
3 Steps to Sourcing the Perfect Probiotic Supplement
To find the right probiotic, follow these steps and tips:
1. Read the Label
It’s important to read the probiotic label so you know exactly what types of probiotics are in the product. All labels should include:
- The species and strain of the microorganisms. Many labels only include the species, but the different strains provide different benefits.
- The number of organisms in a single dose
and how often you should take it. Choose one with at least seven strains and five billion colony-forming units (CFU).
- Storage information.
The label needs to tell you the best storage for the probiotics. Always keep your probiotics away from heat and moisture.
- “Live and active cultures”. When buying yogurt, look for the yogurt that has this on the label. If the label doesn’t have this, the probiotic bacteria could be dead.
- Encapsulated pills
ensure that the bacteria can survive through the acidity in your stomach and be able to reach your colon.
- Certification by an independent third party.
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) does not regulate most probiotics. This means that the number of bacteria stated on the container may not be accurate. Always be sure that everything has been tested.
2. Cure Whatever Symptoms That You Have
Probiotics help with our immune systems and our digestive systems. They will help with yeast infections you may have, along with many of the digestive problems you have come across. Look for these things in a probiotic:
- Find a probiotic with multiple strains of bacteria.
This is because the gut contains 30-40 strains. The more strains, the happier and healthier you will be.
Here is a list of different health conditions that probiotics can help with:
- If you’re traveling, take Saccharomyces boulardii a couple of weeks before your trip.
Taking this probiotic will help prevent traveler’s diarrhea. Many people get this by digesting food or water that has been infected with bacteria.
- If you’re lactose intolerant, you should take lactobacillus bulgaricus.
This will help the gut to digest lactase.
3. Feed and Treat Your Gut Properly
Having the right probiotics is important for your gut, but now you have to keep it healthy. The bacteria in your colon thrive on non-digestible fibers. This is also known as prebiotics. Feed the bacteria two-four servings of garlic, bananas, artichokes, whole grains, and honey to keep your gut happy and healthy. Most probiotics already have prebiotics in them but they’ll be listed on the label as inulin.
Choosing the right probiotic for your body is very important. Probiotics have been known to get rid of many symptoms of sickness, rebuild a healthy gut microbiome, and it’s used to proactively prevent illnesses from happening. This is one of the reasons why finding the right probiotic is so important. Doing some research on the perfect probiotic for you ensures that you get a good quality product. If you’re ever not sure about the best probiotic for you, it’s always a good idea to check with your naturopath, functional medicine practitioner or doctor.
Ever tried probiotics?
I’d be shocked if you hadn’t.
These days, everyone is jumping on the probiotics bandwagon.
“Take this pill, and you’ll have a healthy gut flora. Magic!”
While this definitely sounds like a good idea, there’s a HUGE pink elephant in the room here which is...
It’s hard to predict how your gut flora will react to any given supplement. The truth is… we just don’t know.
Take people with SIBO (Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth), for example. Instead of being sterile as it should, their small intestine is infested with bacteria who happily ferment any food which happens to pass by -- leaving them bloated, gassy, and with horrible digestive symptoms.
According to health author and gut expert Jordan Reasoner, certain strains of probiotics can actually colonize the small intestine (1), successfully WORSENING your symptoms of SIBO.
So how do you know which probiotic strains are safe and work best?
In my experience, nothing is safer or more effective than what you see here -- and I’ll tell you why:
- It contains one PROVEN strain (L. Plantarum) which is the one recommended by many of the top holistic doctor I know and trust.
- This strain has been supercharged through a patented process in order to create the L. Plantarum “OM” super-strain -- making it way more effective.
- This probiotics product also has a very powerful proteolytic effect on the body (which means it actually digests dead tissue throughout the body = anti-cancer properties)
- L. Plantarum is a transient strain that can be safely taken long-term without potentially screwing up your gut flora
- L. Plantarum is incredibly powerful at killing pathogenic bacteria, viruses, and parasites
- And most of all -- there are no side effects to taking more.
In fact, Wade--my friend who created it--told me that he recommends his girlfriend take an entire bottle when she was struck with food poisoning.
A mere 12 hours later, after a short bout of fever... she was completely healed. This sure is one isolated anecdote, but a powerful testimony to the effects of L. Plantarum on bad bugs nonetheless.
But that’s not all...
Because as you’ll see on this page, that specific probiotic--when paired with enzymes--is magical because:
- They work in synergy to supercharge your body’s innate healing ability
- When taken on an empty stomach, enzymes become “systemic” and start
- When you take extra enzymes, you give your liver -- one of your most important detoxifying organs -- the chance to rest and repair, because it’s not focused as much on producing a pool of enzymes to digest your food
- Unless you consume a diet mostly comprised of raw foods (I recommend a lot of raw veggies but it’s hard to eat enough!), you probably don’t get enough enzymes. Your enzymatic pool also goes down the older you get
- Enzymes have been used in a medical setting in Europe. Czech surgeons reported that oral enzymes speed up healing and relieve pain after surgery (3)
- These enzymes are full spectrum enzymes -- which mean they work at a PH range between 2 and 12, which is critical to maximizing digestion
The most exciting part is the special price I’ve asked Wade to personally set up for you (this is limited time offer).
This might be the best supplement deal you’ll ever come across this year. And it ends very soon.
I highly encourage you to check it out.
- Coach Dai
P.S. -- How strong is your digestion?
There are popular herbs like ginger that can help, but the best way to accelerate your digestion (as well as your nutrient absorption and metabolism) --
is with THIS nutrient
It will ensure you never have “food coma” ever again.