Start small now so that you aren't going from 0 to 60 on Jan. 1 with all the rest of the crowds!
— Amanda Loudin (@MissZippy1) December 11, 2015
Don't make resolutions. Make mini, specific goals for each day, week, month. It becomes a daily priority not one you forget about
— Happy Fit Mama (@happyfitmama) December 11, 2015
Drink water! Lots of water! For every glass of wine or cup of coffee you drink in a day, add 2 more glasses to your intake. HTH
— Run DMT (@denisermt) December 11, 2015
I say make a commitment to tracking your steps everyday. Find a fitness tracker and walk as much as you can!
— M.A. Donohue (@BrooklynFitChik) December 10, 2015
Have a realistic plan. If you plan ahead, you will succeed. This goes for your nutrition and workouts.
— Shannon Chenoweth (@GirlsGotSole) December 9, 2015
I would say take it slow and celebrate the little victories!!
— Katie (@momslrb) December 9, 2015
Don't be bound by how you *think* a workout should go. You may not have the perfect shoes or equipment, but move anyway!
— Paula Kiger (@biggreenpen) December 6, 2015
Make realistic goals + focus in 4 week increments. Baby steps for success. #FitFluential
— Michelle Lancaster (@CyFitFreedom) December 6, 2015
Celebrate small goals!
— Amy Glass (@MrsGlass) December 6, 2015
start small and then slowly build up to doing more.
— FemmeFitaleFitClub (@DSTPRL) December 7, 2015
Hi Dai. My tip would be to associate a fitness action with a trigger. Like a buzz (on smartphone) every hour to do 10+ burpees.
— Bob Choat (@BobChoat) December 7, 2015
Awesome, @daimanuel
! My tip: stay active during the holidays, so if working out in the new year is your goal, it won't be as hard to start ?
— Lisa Douglas (@crazyadventures) December 7, 2015
staying active during the holidays is a great stress-reliever, should family visits/holidays stress you out, y'know? ?
— Lisa Douglas (@crazyadventures) December 7, 2015
Drink more water. Move your body more. Set realistic goals. And stick with you. You’ll feel so much better.
— Jennifer Z (@JenZenator) December 9, 2015
If it’s worth doing for the new year, start now. I don’t believe in putting off important goals.
— Erika Wiggins (@Active_Explorer) December 7, 2015
My best fitness tip for NYR's? Share your goal with a close friend or family member. Have them help YOU stay accountable. :)
— Rachel (@RunningRachel) December 8, 2015
Sure. ? "Set realistic, smaller goals, to not overwhelm yourself." Also, to be patient with your self.
— Arie Rich, RRCA, CPT (@ArieRich) December 8, 2015
schedule in your workouts along with all your holiday parties to make sure you stay on track! Planning is key!
— Alicia Bell (@TrainItRight) December 8, 2015
sure! Commit to making changes for just 30 days at a time. Anyone can do anything for 30 days. 1yr can be overwhelming. :)
— Bonnie Pfiester (@BonniePfiester) December 8, 2015
I don't typically make a resolution, more of what I would like to accomplish in the year. Maybe it's a time goal, or a distance.
— Pavement Runner (@PavementRunner) December 3, 2015
Resolve to, first and foremost, journal your food intake. Changing how you eat is the most important part of weight loss, and
— Erika Nicole Kendall (@bgg2wl) December 4, 2015
you can’t do that effectively without knowing exactly what you eat and why!
— Erika Nicole Kendall (@bgg2wl) December 4, 2015
I would say have patience and don't give up. It takes time to reach your goals
— Jill Hanner (@jillhanner) December 4, 2015
Everything including food and fitness in moderation to keep your life in balance
— Marla (@SavingUGreenMom) December 4, 2015
Make it something interesting & exciting enough that you'll want to pursue it for life! #lifestyle
— Jana_Stewart (@JanaStewart) December 4, 2015
To find the form of exercise that they find fun! Fitness is only sustainable if it's something we get to do vs. have to do.
— Anne Mauney, MPH, RD (@fANNEtasticfood) December 4, 2015
Best tip? Don't think of it as a resolution! Think of it as a permanent lifestyle change ??
— Becca (@BeccaLudlum) December 5, 2015
Plan your fitness & meals every week. If you miss a planned day, just pick up & carry on with the rest of the plan.
— Janice S. (@fitcheerldr) December 5, 2015
Find one small, measurable thing to change & focus on that. 4 ex: switch 1 soda 4 water, or add 500 steps 2 your day https://t.co/YhyEcPvGG0
— Alexandra Williams (@Alexandrafunfit) December 3, 2015
I practice what I preach. I do what I can when I can. I do my best each day and get back up the next and try again https://t.co/NO4Ua65UZ9
— carla birnberg (@carla_birnberg) December 2, 2015
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