Plantar fasciitis is an inflammation of the band of tissue that connects the heel bone to the foot.
This tissue is located underneath the foot and can cause terrible pain for people suffering from plantar fasciitis. When the plantar fascia gets irritated or inflamed it makes it difficult for some people to walk, stand and run. Plantar fasciitis is common in people who overpronate, have flat feet, are overweight, and individuals who wear tight shoes. Overpronation occurs when the foot excessively rolls inward when people walk, stand and run. Overpronation leads to altered bio-mechanics, muscle imbalances, and for some individual’s plantar fasciitis.
When the foot rolls inward when people walk, stand, and run the plantar fascia tissue underneath the foot gets irritated and inflamed, which causes pain for most people.
Stretching and Strengthening Exercises to Help People Suffering from Plantar Fasciitis
On the short-term basis people suffering from plantar fasciitis should ice their feet, change their shoes every few months and allow for as much rest as possible to reduce the irritation and inflammation to this part of the foot. Long-term people need to perform a comprehensive exercise program that includes
and strengthening the entire lower body. This will help improve one’s postural alignment, bio-mechanics, while most importantly preventing injuries.
Outlined below is a healthy mixture of both stretching and strengthening exercises to help people suffering from plantar fasciitis. Always remember when performing these exercises to use correct technique and always listen to your body.
Tennis Ball on Feet:
Place the tennis ball underneath the mid-section of your foot with your heel down. Aim to keep the heel down and hold the tender spot for 20-30 seconds. Perform 2-3 sets on each foot.
By performing this exercise it will help prevent the foot from falling inward and help rejuvenate the tissue underneath the foot.
IT Band Stretch:
Lie down on the ground and place the foam roller on the lateral part of the leg. Always aim to have a straight line from your elbow down towards your feet. Find a tender spot and hold this position for 20-30 seconds on each spot. Perform 2-3 sets on each leg.
By performing this exercise it will help slow down the leg from rolling inward, which will reduce the pressure and inflammation towards the plantar fascia. (Click HERE for more advanced training to relieve foot pain.)
Strengthen Hips:
Lie down on your back with a resistance band around your legs and move the leg away from the body. Always aim to keep the unused part of the body down the entire time. Perform 1-2 sets for 10-12 reps on each leg.
By performing this hip exercise it will also slow the leg down from rolling inward, which will reduce the pain and irritation to the plantar fascia tissue.
Single Legged Bridge:
Lie down on your back with your right leg extended to the height of the left bent knee. When ready rise upward and then return to the starting position. Perform 1-2 sets for 10-12 reps on each leg in a controlled tempo.
By performing this exercise it will strengthen the glutes and entire leg muscles, which will ultimately relieve the pressure on the plantar fascia tissue.
By properly performing these exercises 2-3 days per week with correct technique and posture one will be less likely to suffer from plantar fasciitis. Always remember to listen to your body and allow at least one day per week for rest and recovery.
I hope you found this post education and beneficial and please share it with at least one person suffering from plantar fasciitis.
Useful links:
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Author Bio:
Ryan Krane is a fitness entrepreneur specializing in corrective exercise. He is the creator of The Krane Training Method™ and the founder of the Get My Body Better online series, which includes "Get My Ankle Better". His exercise programs help people eliminate their pain through exercise and build a rock solid foundation inside their bodies so they won't crack and can continue living their live to the fullest. His passion in life is to help chronic pain sufferers address and eliminate recurring body aches through expert-designed flexibility, posture, and strength training. The Krane Training Method™, through years of experience to enable individuals to successfully Move Better, Feel Better, and Live Better. The Krane Training Method™ is custom tailored to fit clients' needs and lifestyles, making it to one of the most accommodating corrective exercise programs available to relieve pain and improve quality of life!
Ryan has his Master's Degree in Exercise Science with a concentration in Rehabilitation Sciences and has been featured on ABC, NBC News Radio, Prevention and Women’s Health and the homepage of Yahoo.
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