I've been neglectful of posting my workouts for the past 6 weeks just based on life and everything that seems to happen from the time I wake up to the time my head hits the pillow. I'm putting a stop to that and getting back on my regular posting schedule of logging my workouts on my blog. Honestly, it has been one of my best accountability tools and I've felt like a piece is missing. (well until now that is)
The last couple weeks have been tough yet I'm satisfied with my progress... with only a week away until the
Gorilla Games
, I'm pretty pumped! This competition marks the start of a series of competitions I'm committed to participating in for the next 3 months; all of which are leading up to the CrossFit Open which kicks off in early March... this will be my year, damn-it!
Can I get a "hoo-rah"?
Tuesday: November 27th (2 sessions)
AM: Studeo55, 6:30 class
10 Rounds: Add total calories with total situps
- 1 min Row for calories
- 1 min Abmat situps
- 1 min Rest
This was a tough one, but felt great once I was done.
My total was 502.
PM: Fitness Town, Strength and Tech
A) Squat Clean and Jerk:
5 singles at a weight that is over 80% of your 1RM but not so heavy that you might fail it. Good clean singles.
I completed 225/225/225/225/235.
B) Front Squat:
5 x 5, not at your 5RM, slightly below that.
I completed 255/255/255/255/265
Wednesday: November 28th
AM: Studeo55
A) 30 Handstand push-ups for time:
keep to Regionals standard, palms within 36", fingers can go outside of the lines.
I completed 30 in 6:46... my shoulders were not liking me and my kip was brutal... I'm going to kill this sub-3 next time.
B) Barbell Bulgarian Split Squats:
4 x 8/side
completed 4 sets @ 115/135/145/150.
C) WOD: 12min AMRAP
- 6 Toes to Bar
- 9 Burpees
- 12 Box Jumps (24")
I completed 7 rounds on the nose.
Thursday: November 29th (2 sessions)
AM: Studeo55
A) Power Clean: 5 - 8 x 1 rep- build up and go for clean, technically smooth lifts. No misses.
Worked up to sets of 245lbs... backed it off though based on knowing I had snatch work coming up at 3pm.
B) WOD: 10 minute AMRAP
- 5 Power Cleans @ 135 lbs
- 8 Clapping Pushups
- 15 Lateral Bar Hops
I completed 9 rounds plus 11 reps.
PM: Studeo55
A) Snatch:
working technique
B) Muscle Ups:
strictly working technique
Friday: November 30th (REST)
Saturday: December 1st
Special event for my friend Tom who turned 50! What better way to bringing in the 50th year of life but to throwdown a classic CrossFit WOD!? Filthy 50!
Filthy "50": Complete for time
- 50 Box jump, 24 inch box
- 50 Jumping pull-ups
- 50 Kettlebell swings, 1 pood
- Walking Lunge, 50 steps
- 50 Knees to elbows
- 50 Push press, 45 pounds
- 50 Back extensions
- 50 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball
- 50 Burpees
- 50 Double unders
My total time (not a PR) was 19:07
Sunday: December 2nd
Fitness Town Sunday "Funday" Throwdown
A) 20 muscle ups for time
I completed
15 in 10 minutes then stopped. Shoulders were sore, so didn't push through for the final 5 reps.
B) Barbell reverse lunges: 4 x 8/side
Worked through the
following weights 115/135/155/175.
C) 5 minute AMRAP, rest 5 minutes, repeat, rest 5 minutes, repeat.
- 5 Chest to bar pullups
- 5 Handstand Pushups
- 10 Deadlifts @ 135lbs
My totals: 4+9/4+3/3+9... this one was tough!
Monday: December 3rd (2 sessions)
Strength and Tech:
A) Squat Clean and Jerk:
5 singles at a weight that is over 80% of your 1RM but not so heavy that you might fail it. Good clean singles.
My weights: 225/225/225/225/225
B) Front Squat: 5 x 3, not at 3RM, slightly below that.
My weights: 255/255/255/255/255
Tuesday: December 4th (REST)
Wednesday: December 5th
A1) kipping handstand push-ups.
4 x max reps rest at least 90 seconds between A1/A2
A2) Barbell Bulgarian Split Squats: 4 x 10/side
My totals:
- 12 then 10 @ 135
- 11 then 10 @ 145
- 12 then 10 @ 155
- 11 then 10 @ 155 left, 8 @ 155
B) WOD: 15min AMRAP
- 10 Burpees
- 10 KB Swings (1.5 pood)
- 10 Box Jumps (24")
Total rounds 9 + 3.
Thursday: December 6th (2 sessions)
AM: Studeo55
W/U: 3 rounds: not for time:
- 1min skipping or doubles practice
- 5 strict + big jump burpees
- 20s handstand hold
Strength: 4 working sets, alternating:
A1) Handstand Push up:(6-8 reps), rest 30s
A2) Barbell Row(6-8 reps), rest 90s
My totals:
- 8 and 8 @ 155 lbs
- 6 and 8 @ 155 lbs
- 6 and 8 @ 155 lbs
- 7 and 8 @ 155 lbs
B) WOD: "Helen"
3 rounds for time:
- 400m Run
- 21 Kettlebell Swings
- 12 Pullups
This was a very interesting way to do Helen based on the run/stair route at Studeo55 which added 2 minutes to my previous best time. Admittedly, my legs were cooked pretty quick running up all those stairs... cool dynamic twist on an old WOD. My time was 10:13
PM: Studeo55
Strength and Technique again with Jeremy Edwards
A) Snatch
B) Muscle Ups
Friday: December 7th (REST)
Saturday: December 8th
CrossFit Kitisilano "12 Days of CrossFit"
- Push-Up
- V-Up
- Wall Balls
- Pull-Up
- Air Squat
- Kettle Bell Swing
- Mountain Climbers
- Box Jumps
- Double Unders
- L Sit (seconds)
- Hollow-Rocks
- Burpees!!!!
Just like the song, 12 Days of Christmas, complete 1 Push-Up, then 2 V-up and 1 Push-Up, then 3 wall balls and 2 V-up and 1 push-up, etc etc etc
Great little burner of a WOD which I managed to finish in 15:01
Sunday: December 9th (REST)