Friday Night Crossfit Metcon

Friday Night Crossfit Metcon
[caption id="attachment_1171" align="alignright" width="317" caption="Char loves sushi!"][/caption]

Last night was awesome!  After a long day of meetings, phone calls, emails, texts, etc, I was looking for a high-intensity, quick workout... and lucky for me, Crossfit Langley has just what I was needing.

Warm-up, 3 rounds:

  • 20 x double-unders;

  • 15 x squats;

  • 10 x push-ups.

WOD:  Metcon - 12 to 1 ladder for time

  • 135lbs deadlifts

  • 24" box jumps

  • Ab mat situps

  • Pull-ups

Recall that a 12 to 1 ladder means you perform 12 reps of each of the exercises, then 11, then 10... all the way down to 1 rep.  You do this for time.

My time to complete was 10:14

Next, I was off on a daddy/daughter date night with my 7-year old Chardonae - sushi and the new Harry Potter flick on IMAX (note: had to leave 30 minutes in as the IMAX was way too intense for her)... LOL.

Have a great weekend all and happy training!
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