Day 2 done!
I've had quite a number of people ask me why we are doing the 21-day family fitness challenge. I think my 7-year old daughter, Chardonae, sums it up best in this quick video:
[wpvideo LhE48EWX]
Chardonae, the eldest of my 2 daughters, sums it up nicely when she mentions that we get together as a family at the end of the day to take an inventory on our daily fitness. We write down in our log books all the things we did that were fitness orientated as well as log what we ate throughout the day and how it made us feel. In doing this exercise (pardon the pun) we are in the process of establishing new, healthy lifestyle habits as a family and creating a strong, healthy relationship between food and our children. At the end of the day, the best thing is that we committed to doing this challenge as a family unit. You know what they say, don't you? A family that works out together, stays together.
Summary of our day today:
- Christie - 1 hour of yoga/meditation and stretch as well as a nature walk/hike
- and Chardonae - nature walk/jog and a whole lot of monkeying around on the school playground and lots of touch-tag
- Brielyn - 30 minutes of jumping rope at recess, 1 hour of soccer
- Me - well my workout of the day at Crossfit Langley
is listed below
My November 2nd Workout of the Day:
Warm-up 3 Rounds:
- 15 x squats
- 10 x lunges
- 7 x knee jumps
Strength: Push Press (2-2-2-2-2)
- 2 x 155 lbs
- 2 x 165 lbs
- 2 x 185 lbs
- 2 x 205 lbs
- 0 x 225 lbs (failed 3 times... gave up!) (gotta admit I was feeling spanked from yesterday's WOD)
Met-Con 8 minute AMRAP (as many rounds as possible)
- 7 x push presses with 45lbs (pair)
- 8 x ab wheels
- 9 x Pushups
I completed 6 rounds and 7 push presses... hats off to Coach DC for a beauty WOD. I was spent before it even began. Here's a little video of some of the workout highlights:
[wpvideo EPZgW4ob]