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Lieutenant Andrew Richard Nuttall[/caption]
Saturday June 26th, 2010
About Andy:
Lieutenant Andrew Richard Nuttall
, 30, from the 1st Battalion Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry (1 PPCLI), based in Edmonton, Alberta, serving as a member of the 1 PPCLI Battle Group was killed by an improvised explosive device that detonated during a joint foot patrol near the village of Nakhonay in Panjwaii District, about 25 km southwest of Kandahar City on December 23, 2009. He is survived by his parents, Richard and Ethel Jane Nuttall.
Andy's personal mantra was “
Make a difference… Live life to the fullest
” and he lived by those words every day of his life. He was an avid Crossfitter and a good friend to those at CrossFit Vancouver. Today I was fortunate enough to be able to participate in a special event put on by the CFV team.
(Visit the Facebook event page
for full details... picture below).
"Nutts" a hero WOD for time:
- 10 x Handstand push-ups;
- 15 x 250 lbs Deadlift;
- 25 x Box jumps , 30 inch box;
- 50 x Chest-to-bar pull-ups;
- 100 x Wallball shots, 20 pounds, 10' ft target;
- 200 x Double-unders;
- Run 400 meters with a 45lb plate.
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Andy Nutts Hero Day Event Facebook Page[/caption]
The most incredible thing about the event is the community feel and camaraderie I witnessed between all those in attendance. The event kicked off at 11am with a partner workout where a "new-to-crossfit" guest was paired with a CFV member to complete a partner WOD. The only condition, you couldn't be paired with someone you already know or the person who invited you. Instant friendships were formed and everyone was all smiles. The sheer level of encouragement, excitement, and all around good vibes. It was electric! I was getting fired up just watching everyone.
After completing the partner workout, the ground rules were laid for the 30 people doing the "Nutts" hero WOD... and in true CrossFit fashion, a quick change was made to the prescribed workout. In place of regular pull-ups it was announced that all the men would have to do Chest-to-bar pull ups... dang! LOL. I have to admit at first I was taken aback, but got right into it when it came time for my heat to go.
The 100 or so people in attendance all held a 30 second silence in memory of Andy. The silence was ended with Andy's father, Richard, screaming "3-2-1, go!" --- Andy would have loved that!
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And we were off. I was in the first heat and ended up finishing in 29:09 (got spanked, but spanked with a smile on my face). I had two callouses on my left hand blow up on my 12th chest-to-bar pull up. My apologies to the people who ended up following me and had to use any of the blood covered gear...
One of the highlights of the event was the fact that the final heat consisted of 3 of Canada's top Crossfit athletes. These guys put up some amazing times and finished top 3 of the 24 men who did the WOD. Garth Prouse placed 1st and was awarded the "Nutts Cup", with a time of 15:41; Pete Kendrick placed 2nd with a time of 17:20 and Andy Sack placed 3rd with a time of 18:20. Absolutely inspiring watching those guys give'er. And placing 1st for the women, Emily Beers also one of Canada's best Crossfit athletes, was also awarded the "Nutts Cup"
(apologies, not sure of the exact time).
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Final awards at the Nutts Hero WOD Event[/caption]
Huge thanks go out to all those who helped with planning this event. And a special thank you to all those serving our Country overseas, we respect and love you for looking out for our way of life and putting your lives on the line for the beliefs and systems which our country is built on. Thank you.